Discovering Talmudic Principles

New Talmud Series:

Talmudic Tales

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Talmud

This new series of Talmud courses will take you on a journey through the mysteries of the Talmud known as ‘Aggadata’.

This obscure and magical area of Talmud, contains much more than halachic legal discussions and rational analysis. Alongside extraordinary Talmudic sages, you will discover fascinating tales, their hidden meaning and profound life messages.

Tuesdays, Jan. 28, Feb. 4, 11 | 7:30-9:00 pm 

To join the zoom meeting, please send us an email and we will reply with the information.

Lesson 1:


‘On one Foot’

Shamai, Hillel and the prospective Convert

In this lesson we explore the story of a gentile who wanted to convert to Judaism, asking Shamai and Hillel to teach him the entire Torah while he remains standing on one foot. The reactions of Shamai and Hillel and the difference in their responses, reveals a profound message about Ahavat Israel.

Lesson 2:

‘How Ugly is this Vessel’

The Puzzling Story of Rabbi Elazar

In this lesson we explore the story of Rabbi Elazar meeting an “ugly” man who greeted him. At first glance, Rabbi Elazar’s statement to the man seems puzzling. But a closer look at the story reveals the profound meaning hidden behind this exchange.

Lesson 3:

Who was Yohani the Sorceress?

Rabbi Tarfon and his Nephews

In this lesson we explore the story of Rabbi Tarfon who once used an interesting method to get his nephews’ attention. He quoted a verse of the Torah referring to Hagar (Keturah), but replaced it with “Yohani”. A novel explanation of the Rebbe, reveals an unexpected connection to Yohani the Sorceress, and the powerful lesson hidden in the story.

Instructor: Rabbi Binyomin Bitton


  A project of Chabad of Richmond